Monday, December 27, 2010

Giving Birth & Apple Kisses (reverb#10)

Hope you are enjoying your holidays!  Sending you lots of love for a joy-filled, peace-filled New Year.  Let this be a time for deep reflection of the past year, celebration and excitement for the New Year, and inspiration to fully enjoy this moment.  

I'm taking time this week to contemplate my 2010, and I've stumbled across some fun prompts that I'd like to share with you.  

Reverb#10 is an online initiative that encourages you to reflect on this year and manifest what's next.  Here are the two prompts that struck me today:

December 25th Prompt - Photo - A Present to Yourself:
Sift through all the photos of you from the past year.  Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words.  Share the image, who shot it, where, and what it best reveals about you.  (Author: Tracy Clark)

Urban Pregnant Shot
This past year was the year of giving birth and living more fully, boldly and freely from the inside out.  I launched my first e-course Inside Outa creative adventure that inspires deep change on the inside so participants can live more vibrant, authentic lives on the outside.  

AND I created a new human being, one that started growing inside me in January and came outside and into the world in October.

Free Spirited Pregnancy Photos
Living from the inside out has made me come alive in ways I had never imagined before!  This photo montage ( I didn't pick just one, but decided to share a small collection), best captures the life, love, vitality, celebration, exuberance, truth, growth and pure joy that I experienced and embraced in my life over the past year.

(My husband took these photos in an urban area of downtown Kansas City.)

Apple Kisses
December 27 Prompt - Ordinary Joy:
Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments.  What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year?  (Author: Brené Brown)

Kes and Mom
These photos were taken at a rest area in the flatlands of Kansas on our way back from a family trip to Colorado.  Kestan and I have a game where we give each other funny kisses.  We do the common Eskimo or butterfly kiss, but we especially like making up our own.  This one is our "apple kiss" because Kestan reached to give me the biggest, wettest kiss while eating apples.  We laughed and tickled and hugged and rolled around and it was a very special, tender, ordinary moment that I'll always remember.  (Another one my husband, Chris, captured.)

Your Personal Reflection:  What about you?  What photo best represents YOU or what ordinary moment from this past year really stands out?


  1. Love all these beautiful pictures. You have one talented husband, and one beautiful life. You can certainly feel the love in the pictures of you and Kestan. Off to kiss my own little man now.

  2. Awesome, you look so happy and beautiful from the inside out! I love it!! Kestan and I learn so much from you. I can see he is already taking lessons from you. You both look so happy. Your husband took some awesome shots of you!
    xo, Ang


Thanks for sharing!