Monday, July 5, 2010

Surround Yourself with Love

Everything in our life is a symbol.  Take a moment to look around your home and notice the symbols in your life.  What images are you drawn to?  What colors?  What textures?  Are there particular shapes, images, or symbols that you see throughout your surroundings?  

One image that I'm particularly drawn to is the heart.  As I look around my own home I notice we have heart symbols in almost every room - and I still can't get enough.  In fact, one of my favorite things to do is find rocks that look like hearts.

This is just one of many heart rocks I discovered on my hikes in Colorado.  

I was inspired when my friend and fellow blogger, Megan, visited me a few weeks ago. We pulled out the paints and played.  Since I'm hyperaware these days of abundance and gratitude, I'm especially drawn to making heart symbols.  Megan had the idea of creating a heart "pillow" and I wanted to share this project with you!

Continuing with my dedication to One Small Change, I like looking for new ways to use brown paper bags.  (See another fun idea here.)  

Supplies for Recycled Heart "Pillows"
*brown paper bags
*paints and brushes
(any other medium you like)
* glue or hot glue gun
*sponges and other textured stuff
*optional:  friends to create with you!

Step 1:  Cut two hearts the same size

Step 2:  Crinkle the hearts in your hand

This gives the hearts great texture for painting, as well as adds depth.

Step 3:  Take a sponge or brush and paint a background color on each heart.

Step 4:  Now the fun really begins.  Add your personality to your heart and play with lines, swirls, and doodles.  If you have trouble getting started, take the side of a crayon and rub it over the surface of your heart.  Play like a child would - without thinking about what you're doing.  Just explore lines and shapes and have fun. You'll surprise yourself if you stop worrying about the final outcome and simply enjoy the process of playing with your supplies!

Step 5:  When you are finished designing both sides of your heart, staple, glue or hot glue the sides together. (Of course make sure your colorful creations are facing out on both sides.)  Stop half-way through gluing and stuff some crinkled paper scraps inside your heart "pillow".  (Idea:  Stuff if with a journal entry listing all the things you are grateful for in your life!)  Finish sealing the heart.

Step 6: Find a special place to display your heart symbol in your home. 
 (Idea:  Take some fun photos of you with your heart and email them to me!  I'll make sure to post them on my blog.)

On another note: For those of you following Reduce Clutter; Create Space 2010; the theme for July is mementos.  It's time to clear and organize your old photos, books, letters and special things you've stored up over the years.  Good luck and let's continue helping each other create the lives we love!

Your Personal Reflection:  Slow down enough to notice the symbols in your life.  What do you see?


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your heart pillows! the preschool kids at the lawrence arts center made these a few years ago and hung them from the ceiling as mobiles, so i tried my hand at them but mine did not turn out nearly as nicely as yours or theirs! the paper was the key - i used thin paper and stapled them instead of hot gluing them.

  2. Beautiful hearts. I love seeing hearts everywhere - they just remind us of how much love we need to give each day.
    I'm enjoying your inspirational blog. I'll be back for more ;)

  3. I usually love color and lots of it but I am drawn here to the wrinkly brown paper bag hearts, just like that...something rustic and tactile that's endearing...

  4. love hearing from each of you. i painted another heart today. just can't stop!

  5. The heart is one of my favourite symbols too - I have wooden hearts, beaded hearts, soapstone hearts, button hearts, paper hearts, origami hearts, felt hearts, fabric hearts and a bamboo heart in my home. (And a real one in my body!)


Thanks for sharing!