Friday, January 22, 2010


These gorgeous flowers are gifts from my husband and mom to celebrate the start of my first 4-week e-course.

My sweet husband wrote this in his handmade card:

"There is nothing more wonderful than to watch u grow."

Today marks the end of our first week and what a gift it has been.  The final count is 67 participants from all over the US and the world, including Canada, UK, Sweden, India, Australia and the Netherlands!  In just 5 days these explorers are making some incredible connections, insights, reflections, artwork, journal entries and personal growths that are truly inspiring to me.  I told the group that I am not the teacher of the course, but simply the person holding the space.  I know from years of teaching yoga that it's truly my yoga students who teach me, and that continues to hold true in this course.

Each day I get the privilege to participate in kind and vulnerable discussions posed on our private group page. The compassion towards one another, and the support that each person shows, is truly powerful.  There is such a longing for personal meaning and making space for what matters most in our lives.  I think there is also a deep need to be connected to a like-minded community.  For those who like to ask the deeper life questions, contemplate the meaning of things, and peel away layers from past experiences so that we can live more full, vibrant lives, having the support and community from others is vital to our spiritual awakening.  I am grateful so many beautiful beings have come together to share this self-discovery journey.

My heart is SO full right now.  My years of perfectionism that kept me from taking big creative leaps is dissipating.  My fear of failure stuck its ugly head out this week as I thought, "Dear God, I have 60 plus people looking for me to provide them with a class that has meaning for them.  What happens if I fail them?"  Well, luckily I won't allow myself to wallow in this place for very long.  This is a thought I do not need to think.  Instead, I trust that we are all here at the right time, at the right place, sharing our journey together for a reason.  I will not diminish the essence of this experience by giving my inner critic and fears much face time.

Instead, I take a deep breath.  I honor the light in myself, the light in the kind souls that have joined together, and the light that is guiding our way.

The next Inside Out: A Creative Adventure of Self-Discovery starts April 5, 2010.  Registration for the spring session starts February 22.  Mark your calendars as the first session sold out!  A big thanks to Hip Mountain Mama, Shivaya Naturals and Artsyville, (along with so many others!) for your great help in getting the word out about our first class.

Your Personal Reflection:  Do you have a supportive person in your life, or a community of like-minded people that you belong to?  If not, what small steps could you take, starting today, to find others you can share your journey with?  Remember, you are not alone.  We are all in this together.


  1. What an amazingly sweet husband (and mother) you have! You are very blessed!!
    And I want you to know that we (the group) have been blessed to have you as the facilitator of this adventure of self-discovery.

  2. What a wonderful thought your husband gave you! It is so important to have a partner who support you in every ways! Vive l'amour! Love, sweet love!

    As a student (or should I say teacher? lol) of this firts group, I would like to tell you that you are an incredibly inspiring and lovely person. I am so grateful to have had the chance to meet you virtually!

    I'm having a wonderful time doing my exrcices and connecting with other members of the group! I'm happy happy happy!

    I'm sending you virtual flowers for your wonderful leap against your personnal fears and I whish you all the very best for your futur to come!



  3. I once had a friend who wouldn't do new things for fear of failure ..... I would rather try and fail than say, when I'm old 'if only I had ....'

  4. You are so inspiring, thanks! Creativity is so important in our life (A good reason to practice my english ;))

  5. What a beautiful present from you husband and mother. We are truly blessed to have found your course. It is truly making a world of difference to me. I went through my house today like a mad woman and filled my car with goodwill bags and boxes. I truly want to make room for what is important and to take the time now to connect with this amazing community you have brought together. You are doing a beautiful job. Thank you! Namaste.

  6. I had such a wonderful Friday, working on my journal and some art. Being a part of this class makes me accountable to the group. I've noticed I'm more inspiring to my students as well.

  7. Thanks for starting this ecourse...we are all very grateful for itxxxalthough l know l am an Artist, it took me a long time to actually believe it. I love being able to see how you and others work and become what they want..Artists. It is an amazing coiurse. You deserve to be proud of you self.xxYou are lucky to have an amazing mother and husband..treasure themxxlyndax

  8. Coucou!

    Just a note to let you know that I'm giving you a ''Blog Loving Award''! I love relaxing here while reading your posts!


  9. thank you manon! now, what do i do? how do i pass it on to others?

  10. congratulations. what an exciting time for you. And could that card from your husband be any more adorable?

  11. Shannon!
    So very beautiful, the roses, the cards, and of course the kitty :D
    You are so blessed!

  12. It is great to have supportive people around - especially when one ventures into a new direction. My husband is very supportive - he gets me and my weird creative quirks, but most of my friends don't. I think they think I'm going through a phase and so they ignore it ... But what is life other than a series of phases?

  13. The class has been really great so far! I am so glad you created this class and that you are holding future sessions! I am posting a bit about the class in my Monday's post!

  14. Wowie! Congratulations! You have a wonderful, supportive family, and that counts for a LOT. I'm so excited for you. You know, more people ask me now what I do, and I cannot say housewife, really. But I also have trouble saying Artist. I may just have to join your next session!

  15. I only just started blogging for a need to be connected to a like minded community - it's hard with young kids to get out in the evenings to be creative and share your thoughts so the internet is a great outlet for mothers like me - and another blog led me to this one which will be a pleasure for me to read from now on. Thanks

  16. thanks to all of you for your amazing, wonderful comments. i appreciate each of you. truly, grateful and blessed...


Thanks for sharing!