Friday, August 27, 2010

Coming to an End

Your Personal Reflection: What are you celebrating at the end of this season? 


  1. Shannon, you, your family, & your garden look beautiful!!

    I'm celebrating a season so full that it feels like it just can't be nearing the equinox. I'm celebrating the abundance that seems to be there in the garden, just waiting to ripen. And I'm celebrating those in my life who I can trust with my most tender thoughts.

  2. I love your belly! You look fantastic!

    We are looking forward to school starting and new routines.

  3. I actually felt some tears bubbling up at your personal reflection question. One because I miss you guys! And the other because this year has been so amazing for me, truly beyond belief. I am celebrating me at the end of this season. My growth, my expansion, my evolution and achievements. I am so blessed to live in this time and space.

  4. You look so beautiful and vibrant! I can't believe the season is over. We are going to try some lettuce and garlic for the fall and winter (garlic). We are celebrating a fun summer and a great (hopefully) start to the school year. Love the photos of your lovely family-what cuties! Be well, Angela

  5. Lovely shots. I love how you wrapped up the summer, gardening season and your pregnancy all in one.

    We are celebrating my daughter's 3rd birthday and my goodbye to my 20's ;)

  6. love the post, the last picture is my favorite, you look beautiful!

    i am celebrating sunshine and spending time off work with my husband!!

  7. Shannon you look great!!! I like the green photos..

  8. I am celebrating taking a deep, long breath and chilling for a bit this Summer, as well as doing some serious de-cluttering and also the smell of new beginnings and new projects as Autumn rolls round - and the start of the third experimental art e-course! I'm still going! :)

    You look vibrant and healthy as does the food you have grown :)


    PS we can talk any time ;)

  9. I'm celebrating the end of a 7 week creativity workshop that has helped me to be more open to the whimsy and imagination in my creative process!

    Your garden and family look wonderful and you are so vibrant with new life! cheers


Thanks for sharing!